Season 2 | E2: Tamera "Tee" Kissen

Tamera "Tee" Kissen Wants to Remind You That 'Bad Girls' Have Feelings Too



About the Episode

Tamera “Tee” Kissen is the actress, comedian, and content creator known for her bold personality, viral comedy sketches, and magnetic presence. Now, she’s making waves in music with her new single Bad, streaming everywhere.

In this episode, Tee sits down with Scent World host Marianne Mychaskiw to talk all things fragrance—how scent fuels her creativity, sets the mood, and helps her step into any role.


• The scents Tee wears on set to get into character
• How she uses fragrance to make the recording studio feel like home
• A reminder that “bad girls” have feelings too

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